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Starwest Mortgage Corporation
1818 E. Southern Ave, Suite 15C
Mesa, AZ  85204

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April 27, 2021 – Just Snap Your Fingers. If you listened to Chairman Powell of the Federal Reserve speak recently, you will extract a lot of optimism about where the economy is headed.


Economic Commentary Just Snap Your Fingers. If you listened to Chairman Powell of the Federal Reserve speak recently, you will extract a lot of optimism about where the economy is headed. The government has provided plenty of stimulus — not only helping individuals and businesses to survive this national crisis, but also giving us a foundation to bounce back. As...” Read More

Posted by starwest

April 20, 2021 – The Bright Side of Higher Rates. Seems many are concerned about rising interest rates this year and whether these higher rates could “choke off” our recovery.


Economic Commentary The Bright Side of Higher Rates. Seems many are concerned about rising interest rates this year and whether these higher rates could “choke off” our recovery. Certainly, higher rates have slowed down the deluge of refinances occurring, though there are tens of thousands who are still refinancing today. There are two points we would like to make about...” Read More

Posted by starwest

April 13, 2021 – Is Inflation Coming? Our previous commentary spoke about the importance of inflation with regard to the future of interest rates.


Economic Commentary Is Inflation Coming? Our previous commentary spoke about the importance of inflation with regard to the future of interest rates. We follow with a discussion regarding the threat of inflation. First, we must understand that all sectors of the economy do not experience inflation at the same rate. For example, today we see inflation in the housing and...” Read More

Posted by starwest

April 6, 2021 – The Importance of Inflation. Inflation, inflation, inflation. This year, rates have been headed up and we keep hearing this word being uttered again and again.


Economic Commentary The Importance of Inflation. Inflation, inflation, inflation. This year, rates have been headed up and we keep hearing this word being uttered again and again. Rates have been rising because there is an elevated threat of inflation. The question is – why are these two concepts linked together so often? Today, we would like to reintroduce our simple...” Read More

Posted by starwest


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