Refinance your loan. Try reducing your payments with a lower interest rate mortgage. This will give you the extra cash flow to pay down your principle each month. In some cases you can do this for NO COST. This will help you start saving right away. You can then use a snowball effect to pay off any other debt or pay extra principal towards your balance.
Choose a loan program that will help you reduce your payment.
- Looking for a more traditional option? Choose from the most competitive rates available.
- Maximize your monthly income by changing the term of your loan.
- Potentially save thousands in interest over the first 5 to 7 years by selecting an ARM over a traditional fixed mortgage
- Refinance into the security and low rates of a fixed-rate government loan.
- Qualify with less stringent qualification and credit requirements.
- Access to all fixed-rate terms.
- Avoid the extensive qualification process.
- Available as a 30-year or 15-year fixed loan as well as a 5-year adjustable rate mortgage (ARM).
- No appraisal necessary.
- Marginal credit requirements.
- Lower your rate and payment if you are a spouse, military member, or qualified veteran.
- No monthly mortgage insurance (PMI).
- Fixed-rate and adjustable-rate program options, including jumbo loans.
Calculate the number of months to break-even if you refinance the loan.
Refinance Break-Even Point
The information provided by these calculators is for illustrative purposes only. The default figures shown are hypothetical and may not be applicable to your individual situation. Be sure to consult a financial professional prior to relying on the results. The calculated results are intended for illustrative purposes only and accuracy is not guaranteed.
Why you should choose Starwest Mortgage for your home purchase:
- As a broker, Starwest gives you access to the most competitive rates, fees, and programs the wholesale lending industry has to offer. Why use a broker?
- No Closing Cost program
- Get loan status updates anytime, anywhere. Take advantage of our online tools.